1. How do you organize your shelves?
There's not much organization to my shelves. I try to sort by genre, but the only successful shelf that truly follows that are my Contemporaries. Otherwise the only other thing I do is put a series or trilogies all together. Oh, my TBR books are all on my top shelf and stacked on the very top.
2. What is one of your favorite book that’s not in one of your favorite genres?
For this question I'm going to have to go with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I haven't read too much adult fiction, but I adored Outlander.

3. What is the last 5 star book you read?
My last 5 star book was Soaring by Kristen Ashley. Now, I'm a huge sucker for Romance and KA writes the perfect Alpha and Epilogues that make me giddy.

4. What book are you most excited to read during the read-a-thon?
Honestly, I'm probably most excited to read The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon. I read the first one a couple months ago. I've been putting the second novel off because I read the first paragraph and nearly had a heart attack. Sometimes I need to take a step back when my excitement level is that high.

5. What book do you recommend the most?
What a question! I'm really not sure how to answer this. I guess I'll go with a book series that I constantly rave about. The Throne of Glass book and series by Sarah J. Maas.