Saturday, 9 August 2014

Book Blog

I'm not going to lie, I've never been a very good blogger.  The only time I've ever been able to keep up with a blog was when I had to have one for my theater class in college.  I hope this blog breaks the cycle because I am very passionate about reading and books.  So, why not start a book blog?

After four years of college/university, I've caught the reading bug again.  I probably read about three books (for pleasure) a year during those four years, and countless other textbooks.  Then, one day I was browsing through Indigo and the next thing I knew, I was buying nine new books.  And the next day, four more books were sitting on my shelf.  Two days later, two more books.  It's become an addiction again.  My Indigo wishlist is now at 51 items... including 5 box sets.  Um, what?!?

Since then I've been posting small book reviews on my Facebook and a friend suggested that I start a book blog.  Well, here we are.  About a month later because procrastination is my middle name.

Let's get down to business...

What I like to read: Fantasy, Contemporary, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Mystery, Romance, and well, I'm pretty much open to anything.  I've been trying to branch out from my usual Fantasy reads and I'm finding that I really like the other genres out there. Who knew, right?

Why I like to read: I've been reading since I was four years old and I've never looked back.  There's nothing I love more than to curl up with a good book.  Most people don't understand it.  But that's OK because I don't understand them either.  

My other interests: I'm a devout Whovian.  I have a serious obsession with Doctor Who; it's become a running joke within my family (the Who inspired license plate, coffee mug, key chain, and sonic screwdriver factor into it).  I am a part of many other fandoms including, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Divergent, Sherlock, Welcome to Night Vale, and many more.  I also write and I've been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2008, which was also the first and only time I've ever won it. 

I think that's all I wanted to share in my introduction.  I hope to have my first review up tomorrow evening.  

Peace and Love